Call for Reviewers

The JESAF  (ISSN: 2957-515X) is a fully refereed international journal for publishing theoretical and practical research pertinent to English language studies on a wide variety of topics in linguistics, literature, and language education.

We are seeking competent reviewers with expertise in the areas of research that the journal endures so that all submissions receive fair peer reviews. The following duties are essential to the peer-review process:

(a) reading and evaluating 2-3 articles a year,

(b) ensuring the accuracy of articles (both content and form).

The reviewers, holding Ph.D. in the field or related areas, should be responsible and committed. Besides experience in teaching academic writing, a reviewer should have published and peer-reviewed articles in relevant journals. Apart from that, he or she is computer literate and adept at working quickly and accurately under tight deadlines. The review process is conducted according to the evaluation form

Although reviews are anonymous, successful reviews will be acknowledged, even if the reviewed manuscripts are not published. In addition to an annual service letter, the journal will mention the reviewers' names in every issue.  Reviewing for such a scholarly journal can be used in academia for recognition. The Arabia Felix Academy will prioritize active reviewers when an opportunity arises to work as translators or any other chance.

To apply, please complete the questionnaire and submit your CV to