Washback in English Education: Insights from Libyan Ninth Graders


  • Radhwan Ali university of Benghazi




Testing is a crucial aspect of language teaching and learning, as it helps determine a learner’s proficiency. This study aims to identify the effects of ninth-grade students’ final examinations on their learning and to suggest procedures for both teachers and students to mitigate negative washback. Data were collected using a test and a questionnaire, and the results were analyzed quantitatively. The findings showed that students significantly improved their scores from the pretest to the post-test (final test). However, they received low scores on the final test due to the time gap between the preparation course and the final test, leading to a loss of motivation and intention. Additionally, most students agreed that thorough preparation before the final examination helped them better understand the test techniques and format. The researcher compared the students’ pretest and post-test results with their final test scores, revealing considerable improvement during the preparation course but negative washback in the final test. Based on these results, the study provides suggestions for further research and implications for language educators in Libya and beyond..




How to Cite

Ali, R. (2024). Washback in English Education: Insights from Libyan Ninth Graders. Journal of English Studies in Arabia Felix, 3(2), 35–43. https://doi.org/10.56540/jesaf.v3i2.94


